Consortium Agreement Request
Student Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Nicolet College Email
I would like to take courses at the following school. NOTE: This is the other school you will be taking classes at, not Nicolet College.
Other School Financial Aid Email Address
My success coach is:
Please select...
Courtney Crumm
Jessica Drummond
Ashley Maki
Kim Martiny
Tyler Ruppert
I acknowledge and understand that it is my responsibility to pay any tuition, fees, book charges, or other associated costs directly to the partner institution. Nicolet College will not be responsible for making any payments to the other school. Please type your initials in the box to certify your understanding.
I understand that this is not the Consortium Agreement itself and that I will get a link to an Adobe PDF to complete which is the actual Consortium Agreement.
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Please use a Nicolet College email address.
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Contact Information