2024-2025 Unusual Circumstances Appeal Request Form

Contact Information

We have received your 2024 - 2025 FAFSA. You indicated that you have unusual circumstances which make you an independent student. Unusual circumstances include, but are not limited to:
  • Human Trafficking, as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq);
  • Legally granted refugee or asylum status;
  • Parental abandonment or estrangement;
  • Student or parental incarceration.

Please submit a typed letter of explanation detailing the unusual circumstances that make you independent from both parents. If you are unable to upload the letter, please submit it to the Financial Aid office through Net Partner

Address the following in your explanation:
  • The nature of your relationship with both of your parents
  • Provide the date and place of your last contact with both parents
  • How you have been supporting yourself
Submit any supporting documentation for your unusual circumstances. Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following:
  • A court order or official federal or state documentation that you or your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are incarcerated;
  • A written statement from:
    •  a state, county, or tribal welfare agency;
    • An independent living case worker who supports current and former foster youth;
    • A public or private agency, facility, or program servicing the victims or abuse, neglect, assault, or violence
Please submit a signed and dated statement from your parent(s) confirming that they either:
  1.  Refuse to complete the FAFSA or 
  2. Do not and will not provide any financial support to you including the date the financial support ended.
If your parent(s) refuse to sign and date a statement to this effect, please submit documentation from a teacher, counselor, cleric, or court confirming your situation.

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At home with parents Other

At home with parents Other

Yes No
2023 Student Income Resources
Monthly Amount
Income from work
Unemployment Compensation
Social Security Benefits
Housing Assistance
Food Stamps
Other Income (monetary gifts)

WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information on this worksheet, you may be fined, be sentenced to jail, or both.